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Europe - Teaching and Learning from Each Other


The project is conceived as an opportunity to bring Europe closer to our citizens.

In particular, the municipality of Kanjiza wants to keep close relationships with its twin towns regarding tradition, culture and institutional cooperation.

In order to do so, activities foreseen vary a lot but the aim of all of them will be to increase awareness on understanding the values, rights and opportunities created by the EU, making local citizens advocates of the EU by making them feel part of it.

Among the main activities: a summer camp for secondary school students and their teachers; a Swimming and Running Marathon, a New Bread Festival, a Day of the Municipality, 3 workshops. A publication and a short documentary will be made about the activities in this 2 year long period.

Coordinator: Municipality of Kanjiža (RS)
Partner countries: HU, SK, RO
Venue: Kanjiža (RS), Tata (HU), Sfantu Gheorghe (RO)
Grant awarded: 116.000 €