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PLAY EUROPE: Promotion of the Leadership of Active Youth in Europe


PLAY Europe project intends to promote active leadership at European level among the youth of different EU countries, in order to improve the competence and skills of future political leaders towards European Agenda understanding and setting.

This action will be implemented through a permanent cooperation among public authorities coordinated by ELISAN network and composed by public events, seminars, workshop, public debates and study visits. The participants (young people aged 18-30) will be asked to update the Europe 2020 objectives & themes in the field of Social Policies, in order to prepare a new document called Social Europe Agenda 27. The entire project will be accompanied by a strong dissemination and raise awareness action leaded by ELISAN all over Europe.

Coordinator: ELISAN - European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network (IT)
Partner countries: FR, BE, GR, NL
Venue: Venice (IT), Marseille (FR), Ghent, Brussels (BE), Athens (GR), Rotterdam (NL)
Grant awarded: 144.000 €