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External Policy :: EU Enlargement

Audiovisual policy and
prospective new members of the EU

Before joining the EU, countries have to bring their national laws into line with EU rules, including – in the audiovisual field – the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. When they do so, they become eligible for funding under the MEDIA 2007 programme (covering the period 2007-13)

Candidate countries

The EU has already accepted Croatia, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as official candidates for membership. Following the alignment of its broadcasting legislation with the EU rules Croatia joined the MEDIA 2007 programme in 2008.

For information on their progress towards meeting the membership requirements in the audiovisual field, see the EU’s annual progress reports for the candidate and potential candidate countries.

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Potential candidates

The other countries of the Western Balkans - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia as well as Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99 - have been promised the prospect of EU membership as and when they are ready. Recently, the Council of the European Union acknowledged Iceland's application for EU membership and requested the European Commission to submit its opinion on this application. These countries are known as potential candidates.

With regard to audiovisual policy, these countries’ main challenge is to:

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Audiovisual policy support

Promoting the alignment with European standards on media legislation is one of the main priorities of the European Commission in supporting the convergence of the Western Balkan countries and Turkey with the European Union. The European Commission therefore invited media stakeholders of the Western Balkans countries and Turkey to a seminar on the audiovisual media services directive and the digitalization of television, which took place in Istanbul on 1 and 2 December 2008.

This followed on from an earlier initiative to support broadcasting policy reform in the Western Balkans which focused on:

The initiative achieved several significant results:

On 28 April 2008 the European Commission in cooperation with the Council of Europe and OSCE organised an Expertise workshop on the independence of media and telecoms regulatory authorities in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). pdf


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