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European Commission adopts action plans to improve Belgian and German fisheries control systems

The European Commission has adopted two action plans setting out how Belgium and Germany can overcome identified shortcomings in their fisheries control systems, following audit programmes on data management and control system held respectively in 2014 and 2015, and in 2015 and 2016. The measures and timeline of implementation were agreed together with the authorities of each Member State, in line with the procedure set out in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 on fisheries control.

date:  04/05/2017

Under their action plans, Belgium and Germany will work to improve data management; , principally ensuring that catch data are comprehensively collected, validated, cross-checked and applied to ensure effective monitoring and reporting of quota uptake.

Action plans are an effective way to enforce the Common Fisheries Policy in a spirit of cooperation and dialogue. With their clear timeframes, benchmarks and reporting deadlines, they allow the Commission to follow up on the implementation and the progress made, and have been shown to obtain good results; as proven, for example, by the closed action plans with Spain, Malta and Latvia. They help to ensure that Member States have set up appropriate administrative and technical structures and systems to ensure monitoring, control and enforcement of the Common Fisheries Policy rules and thereby contribute to the sustainability of fisheries.

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