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Preparatory Action on Defence Research: Description of the 2018 topics

The European Commission adopted the 2018 financing decision for the preparatory action on Defence Research (PADR) on 9 March. It includes descriptions of 3 topics for which calls for proposals will be launched later this month.

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Defence industries

date:  12/03/2018

The first call will select one project for the development of a European high-performance (re)configurable system-on-a-chip or system-in-package components for defence applications.

The second call will result in funding one project to contribute to the development of a high power directed energy system.

These 2 calls are capability-driven and focus on critical defence technologies. These are technologies aiming to retain Europe’s strategic autonomy while ensuring security of supply, without end-user restrictions.

Finally, the third topic calls for proposals to continue the strategic technology foresight activities started in 2017. The objective is to launch a stocktaking exercise predominantly aimed at current and future critical defence technology components and materials, with a focus on end-user restrictions in Europe’s armament systems.

The PADR is the first step in the research window of the European Defence Fund, which will be further developed into a substantial research programme from 2021 onward. The budget for the PADR related actions in 2018 is €40 million. This budget should cover the projects resulting from the calls described above. It also provides an additional contribution to the large demonstrator project in the area of enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment, which was already selected for funding in 2017.

Grants will be the PADR’s main implementation mechanism. The calls for proposals and the participation modalities will be published in the second half of March on the Research and Innovation Participant Portal.


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2018 PADR Work Programme with description of actions