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By Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

By Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

Throughout the summer, the European Commission has been closely working with EU Member States within the Health Security Committee to keep them informed about the latest developments and to coordinate approaches on prevention and preparedness for Ebola. Issues discussed in the Health Security Committee have included medical evacuations, hospital facilities in the EU, advice to travellers, case definition, laboratory cooperation and treatments.

For nine months now the Commission’s Health and Consumers Directorate-General has been closely monitoring the situation in cooperation with the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organisation. Since March when the first outbreaks were recorded, the Commission has invested more than 11.9 million Euros in providing assistance to the countries concerned by the outbreak and in the deployment of two European Mobile Laboratories to provide on-site testing and support. 

The Commission is also working with Member States, the WHO and other organisations to support the affected countries, with EU support being coordinated by the Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO). Thousands of volunteers, many from the EU, are risking their lives to save the lives of others, showing extraordinary dedication, working closely with local staff and authorities.

Despite the severity of the crisis, as I have underlined in my statement on 8 August, the risk of Ebola spreading to Europe is considered very low, particularly if returning travellers and healthcare providers are properly informed. Ebola is not spread through the air - it is only transmitted through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids from infected people or animals, dead or alive – so by taking the necessary precautions it can be avoided. 

That said, the European Commission remains vigilant and  prepared to help Member States work together to protect EU citizens in every eventuality, in accordance with Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross border health threats.


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