PGISP - Manage to Innovate Prison Services




Pedro Neves


Development Partnership

Global Change Consultores Internacionais Associados


Change needs were identified resulting from the following: - Organisational culture strongly hiearchised, with tendency to close in on itself - Ineffective system of communication and sharing of practices - Diversity of processes and procedures - Low level of motivation and empowerment - Insufficient number of convicts involved in individual and group treatment programs and in education and re-socialisation programs - Little interaction with society.


Innovation and organisational development through a course based on 4 parts: HUMAN CAPITAL (develop skills, share values and objectives, increase involvement and participation, improve organisational cohesison and internal communication) - Intensive program for developing skills in professionals - Implementation of Knowledge Cafeterias and GI Spaces in all Prison Establishments - Use of collaborative platforms - Invigoration of Communities of Practice INNOVATION (invest in flexibility, dynamism, creative solutions and tailor-made projects, improved re-socialisation, increased partnerships with civil society) - Entrepreneurship for social reintegration of convicts - My Guide to Freedom - Volunteerism Management - A Day in Prison - External communication plan (PGISP site, conferences, press, radio, television, etc.) RESULTS (measure and compare performances, improve the results of the penitentiary intervention) - Creation of scorecard for prison management - Self-assessment of the excellence of Prison Services (CAF - Common Assessment Framework) PROCESSES (redesigning and standardising critical processes, improving security) - Redesign of critical processes


- A Day in Prison - Entrepreneurship Program for Social Reintegration of Convicts - Volunteer Management in a Prison Environment - Manual Supporting Invigoration of Cafeterias of Knowledge and GI Spaces - My Guide to Freedom - Improving Organisational Performance - Methodological Guide for Assessing Organisational Change Projects in the Prison System


HUMAN CAPITAL Training of 4000 people Perception of improvement in the skills of professionals (+ 13%) Employee Empowerment (+ 10%) Improvement of organisational climate (+ 7%) Improvement in motivation of professionals (+ 5%) Perception of improvement in the relationships between professionals (+11%) Growth rates of up to 33% in the hetero-assessment of professional groups Creation of 15 communities of practice with 600 internal users. INNOVATION Organisational culture more centred on people and innovation and less on hierarchy (human capital and innovation sectors with 45 points, compared to 31 by the Central Services and 38 from the Pilot Prison Establishments) Improvement of perception of professionals in relation to innovation and change (+16%) Perception of improvement of the organisation"s external image (+10%) 22 innovation teams that developed new projects centred on empowerment and on personal and professional change. 500 convicts covered by new projects centred on empowerment and personal and professional change Increase in the number of convicts supported by volunteers (+ 59%) Increase in the number of volunteers (+ 68%) 350 young people covered by the "A Day in Prison" project and Publication of 50 articles in the print media 14 television reports/references Over 100 presentations in Portugal and in EU countries 30,000 visits to the site of the project An award during the 5th edition of the contest "Best Practices in the Public Sector" - 2007 Honourable Mention during the 6th edition of the contest "Best Practices in the Public Sector" - 2008 Honourable Mention given to the Justice Minister on the Prison Services Day -- 2007 RESULTS Creation of scorecard for prison management Implementation of CAF with concluded improvement plans PROCESSES Seven critical processes redesigned Increase in the perception of improvement of the processes (+ 9%)