Social Dialogue and Equality in Companies




Clara Jesus


Development Partnership

Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego


Responds to the problems diagnosed at companies: -Lack of awareness about what is equality between men and women and how to promote it -Lack of knowledge of the legal framework regarding this matter -Lack of instruments for promoting equality in the workplace. -Failure to recognise the competitive advantages associated with promoting gender equality and reconciliation between work and family - Misconception that these issues are no longer relevant and do not involve them.


Instruments and methodologies kit that responds to the difficulties felt by companies in recognising and identifying discrimination situations related to gender and promotion of gender equality. The innovative characteristics of these products results from having been developed with and for 10 companies that are partners in the project, small, medium and large companies, in various activity sectors. This kit allows companies to integrate, promote or reformulate practices that seek to: -promote equality and non-discrimination between women and men; -implement or improve internal mechanism that encourage, recognise, monitor and disseminate practices that have been successful in promoting gender equality; -increase visibility of the gender equality dimension as related to social responsibility. Appropriation and incorporation of this kit by companies, encouraging them to adopt a sustained entrepreneurial posture.


Self-Evaluation of Corporate GE Guide Solutions GE Training Standards for consultants and auditors Video Acting for Equality - Quality standards for providing training in gender equality and diversity in the EU. Principles for Successful Implementation of Equality Measures


500 people saw their knowledge in GE increase: trade union heads, ORT's, entrepreneurs, instructors, consultants. Introduction of new good practices in GE at Project companies. Empowerment of companies in GE (management bodies, executives and regular staff). Creation of a post-graduate specialisation curriculum in GE at ISCTE. Inclusion of GE in the social responsibility network as one of the essential pillars. The DP is viewed as a community of practice for production of knowledge and promotion of GE.