Netstart - Learning Plan




Hugo Ribeiro


Development Partnership

Associação Empresarial de Viana do Castelo


Gap between the skills of employed and unemployed persons with low levels of digital literacy and the needs of companies.


Development of the employability and competitiveness of the region in a sustained manner by increasing the level of skills suited to the market; Support the adaptability of companies (SME's) and workers to organisational changes through use of ICT; Develop and promote training in an e-learning format for SME workers and the unemployed of the Viana do Castelo region.


Needs diagnosis platform that includes the company and beneficiary aspect (trainee/worker), CD-ROM Brochure, Diagnostic Platform Product Guide


The "Learning Plans" product contributes to promoting employability by improving supply and demand of skills on the market. It increases the level of skills on the demand side of employment, offering learning plans based on professional profiles that are adjusted to market needs (mainly SME needs). This product, based on a technological platform, is an asset to SME's, allowing them to use it to improve the qualifications of the company's staff and the people it recruits on the market, and also the qualifications of the unemployed, which can find professional guidance in accordance with the market's real needs.