IQ Service - System for a Romany Success on the Labour Market


19/09/2005 - 31/10/2008


Veronika Vankova


Czech republic

Development Partnership

IQ Roma servis, o.s.


Target groups: a) young generation - low qualification and carrier of an unemployed person (with an increased risk of socially pathologic behaviour) b) middle generation suffering from long-term unemployment caused by low level of education and required social competencies, weakened motivation and habits, grey economy and discrimination on the open labour market.


Social Prevention The main step to improve the living conditions of socially excluded communities is to increase their awareness. Centre of employment The methods are based on the self-competencies of the clients. Some of them need just advice, others need more, we try to satisfy all of them. Centre of education Together with the activities of motivation we are trying to help Roma youngsters and their parents to choose a promising and successful path for their working life. Centre for equal opportunities The main issue addressing employers is The Ethnic Friendly Employer Project, which shall raise public awareness about persisting stereotypes and prejudice that people of different ethnic origin have to face at the labour market.


1. Methodology that affects the whole Romany family 2. Concept of The Ethnic Friendly Employer


In 37% of client´s orders involve housing, 18% debts, 16% welfare benefits, 14% legal counselling. 36% of client´s orders were resolved sucesfully and in the cooperation with the client. Only 3% of client´s orders were unsuccessful 140 clients are learning English language or IT skills 60% of clients of school advisers entered secondary school 116 clients found a job, 60 of them work for longer then 2 months