Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/03/2020

Call for success stories of reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities

Are you an employer in the EU who has taken steps to accommodate workers with disabilities? The Commission wants to hear from you.

© Shutterstock / sylv1rob1

The European Commission is publishing a booklet gathering successful stories of reasonable accommodation in the workplace for persons with disabilities, as part of its awareness-raising campaign to combat discrimination.

Several employers from Member States where local events were organised have already sent examples.

To ensure the European Commission has as many examples as possible, we are inviting EU employers to reply to this call so that as many examples as possible can inspire employers across the EU.

Who can participate?

  • You are an employer and you have employees with disabilities
  • You have put in place reasonable accommodation in the workplace for your employees with disabilities

How to participate?

For any other questions regarding the campaign, please feel free to send an e-mail to the EMPL DISC mailbox.

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