Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 23/03/2022

Ukraine: EU support to help Member States meet the needs of refugees

The European Commission has outlined the actions being taken to support Member States in meeting the needs of those fleeing the war against Ukraine and its people.

Refugees at the reception centre for Ukrainian refugees of Przemyśl Railway station

Since the unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion, some 3.5 million people – mainly women and children – have arrived in the EU in the space of just four weeks. Around 6.5 million people are estimated to be displaced internally. The EU's welcome to those who arrived on EU territory is epitomised by the first-ever activation of the Temporary Protection Directive, offering quick assistance and a clear legal status.

Beyond the immediate support provided in terms of assistance at the border, reception and civil protection, the EU is today taking further steps to help Member States ensure beneficiaries can effectively access their right to education, healthcare, accommodation and jobs – hallmarks of the European way of life.  

The available support includes: 

  • Special protection for children: Children need to be guaranteed swift access to their rights, without discrimination. Their registration upon entry into the EU is key. The EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child provides a comprehensive framework for the protection and the fulfilment of the rights of the child. National coordinators now in place under the European Child Guarantee have a key role to play in galvanising and coordinating the effort at a national level and with regional and local authorities. In this context, specific focus is given to children from institutions (such as orphanages), and children at risk of trafficking and abduction. On top of this, the Commission is preparing dedicated Standard Operating Procedures for transfers of unaccompanied minors. 
  • Access to education: Helping pupils, students and teachers in these difficult times is a priority. The Commission will bring together Member States to start sharing experiences and identify what is needed to continue the education of displaced children. The School Education Gateway will serve as a one-stop shop to link to educational material from Ukraine and Member States' material in the Ukrainian language. It will also be essential to draw on the capacities of Ukrainian teachers among the new arrivals in Europe. The eTwinning community can help groups created in the secure space of the platform to support teachers. Flexibility in the Erasmus+ funding programme will also be used to support the education of refugee students and the integration of staff of higher education institutions who are fleeing the war.  
  • Access to healthcare: Thanks to a solidarity mechanism set up by the Commission, people in urgent need of specialised hospital treatment can be quickly transferred between Member States for such treatments, with 10,000 beds already available. The ECDC monitors the health situation on the ground and has issued guidelines on the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The Commission, through HERA, also supports the supply of vaccines, with a particular focus on childhood vaccination. Finally, it will take targeted actions on mental health and trauma support for those fleeing the war, including the set-up of a network of Ukrainian-speaking mental health professionals. 
  • Access to jobs: Member States are invited to take measures to help those arriving swiftly take up their right to work, as well as vocational training. This includes informing people about their rights under the Temporary Protection Directive, providing language or business support, and ensuring access to childcare, with a key role for public employment services to act as matchmakers on the labour market. The Commission has added the Ukrainian language to the EU Skills Profile Tool for non-EU nationals to help Ukrainian job seekers and those who wish to continue their studies showcase their skills and connect with opportunities and guidance on next steps. The Commission will also pilot a new Talent Pool to match skills with job vacancies. Other Commission initiatives in this area include developing new guidelines to facilitate recognition of professional qualifications obtained in Ukraine and working with social partners to help inform the private sector about the rights under temporary protection and the programmes available.  
  • Access to accommodation and housing: To meet immediate needs for suitable accommodation, a new “safe homes” initiative will support Europeans who are making their homes available, mobilising targeted funding and online resources as needed. In addition, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, as well as Cohesion Policy funds, will be mobilised to strengthen public reception systems. In the longer term, the European Regional Development Fund helps to provide social housing for families and individuals in the community, and the Fund can cover both the purchase and refurbishment of accommodation. The European Social Fund can support community-based services and accommodation, especially for those with special needs, disabilities, children and older people. 

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