Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/12/2009

Social dialogue in robust shape in Europe, but large differences between Member States persist

More than 60% of employees in Europe are covered by some form of employee representation.

However, these institutions are generally much more common in northern Member States than in southern ones.

Eurofound has just published its first findings of the European Company Survey 2009– Flexibility practices and social dialogue. In the survey, representatives from more than 21.000 companies were interviewed on the state of social dialogue at the establishment level. It also looks at various forms of flexibility practices at the company level, in particular with regards to contracts, flexibility practices in companies, working time and performance-related pay.

For more information on topics such as

  • The state of workplace social dialogue
  • Working time arrangements
  • Contractual flexibility
  • Human resources challenges
  • Variable pay

See the first findings of the European Company Survey 2009 on the Eurofound website.

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