Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Developing skills for the labour market - The Riga Conclusions - European cooperation in vocational education and training 2015-2020

Developing skills for the labour market - The Riga Conclusions - European cooperation in vocational education and training 2015-2020

This leaflet explains how the EU and its partners are improving vocational education and training (VET) to make them relevant to current and future labour markets. Work-based learning, access to VET, ongoing training for teachers and recognition of skills and qualifications are expected to help drive jobs and growth. The New Skills Agenda for Europe and the Riga Conclusions lay the foundations for this process. Progress in achieving the goals set out will be monitored by CEDEFOP and the ETF.

This publication is available in electronic format and in print in all EU languages.

Catalog N. : KE-02-16-623-EN-N

Available on  EU Publications

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