Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Roland Maté, Hungary

Roland Maté

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Roland Maté is a 36-year-old television and radio host and blogger from Hungary. For the past 18 years, he has been the Szeged correspondent for the news programmes of several national television channels. In 2018, his left leg was amputated below the knee. Since then, he has been running a blog on Facebook about his life, entitled ‘A moment – the footlessness of life’. However, he also continues working in the media, hosting programmes on both television and radio. The amputation, despite the changes it brought to his life, has not held him back from taking on different activities. He holds interactive lectures and discussions for both children and adults, and continues to host events in different parts of the country, including city programmes, festivals, beauty contests and fashion shows. Roland is also becoming increasingly involved in various body positive campaigns and organising his own events in the name of acceptance.

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