Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for Rights (Easy-to-read version)

The European Commission keeps on working to
make sure that people with disabilities
can enjoy their rights and take part in the community.

It has made a plan that says how it will work
to protect the rights of people with disabilities
in the coming years.

This plan is called ‘the strategy
for the rights of persons with disabilities

In short, we call it ‘the Disability Rights Strategy’.

The goal is to make the European Union a place
where all people with disabilities can:

  • Enjoy their rights,
  • Have the same chances in life like other people,
  • Take part in the community,
  • Decide where, how and with whom they want to live,
  • Travel without problems,
  • Be treated fairly.

The European Disability Card

Another goal of the Disability Rights Strategy
is to make a European Disability Card
for all the countries of the European Union.

The European Disability Card is a card
that makes it easier for people with disabilities
to travel to another country.

Thanks to this card,
countries can recognise them
as people with disabilities
and give them some advantages
in culture, sports and other activities.

For example:

  • People with disabilities
    can use this card to pay less
    when they buy tickets for museums.
  • People with intellectual disabilities
    can use this card to get information
    that is easy to read and understand.

Right now,
only 8 countries in the European Union
use this card.

If all the countries of the European Union
use this card,
it will be easier for people with disabilities
to get the right support when they travel
or move to any of these countries.

Together for rights

To make the Disability Rights Strategy happen,
the European Commission will work
with organisations of people with disabilities.

It will listen to their views
and support their important work.

But making the European Union a place
where all people can enjoy their rights
and live as equals,
does not concern only people with disabilities.
It concerns everyone.
That is why we call our campaign
‘Together for rights’.
Because together we can make a difference!

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