Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 14/04/2023

EQAVET Peer Review: Quality Assuring Work-Based Learning components of VET in the Dutch Community of Belgium

The Peer Review focused on identifying approaches for ensuring quality of Work-Based Learning components embedded in VET programmes across the Dutch Community of Belgium

EQAVET Peer Review Quality Assuring Work-Based Learning components of VET in the Dutch Community of Belgium

© Canva

The Dutch Community of Belgium hosted the sixth Peer Review of 2023 with participating peers from Belgium-fr, Luxembourg, Malta, Spain and the Netherlands in the Flemish Ministry of Education in Brussels on 30-31st March.

In Belgium, education falls under the responsibility of the three language communities (Dutch, French and German-speaking). For this Peer Review, the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training – Agency for Higher Education, Adult Education, Qualifications and Study Grants (AHOVOKS) was the host and had set the focus on quality assuring Work-Based Learning components embedded in VET programmes in the Dutch Community.

The Dual Learning Programmes was one of the focus areas of the Peer Review, a programme that allows students to combine classroom learning with practical application at a workplace.

The programme was launched in 2016 and is available at IVET and CVET levels. Schools and companies that provide work-based learning have a shared responsibility for the learning quality and well-being of students.

As of 2022, the Dual Learning Programme was also introduced in adult education. The Education Inspectorate and the Work Inspectorates work together to quality assure these programmes.  

The host invited peers to provide feedback on the Flemish system for quality assurance which involves many actors and different frameworks. The group also discussed the connection between internal and external quality assurance.

Read the flash report summarising the main outcomes of the discussion.

Another report with detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.

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