Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 11/04/2023

Fourteenth EQAVET Peer Review – EQAVET-based quality management system for formal VET institutions in Hungary

The Peer Review focused on reviewing the content, methodology, and procedures of the recently introduced national quality management system for formal VET institutions to support its successful implementation.

The fourteenth EQAVET Peer Review was hosted in Budapest, Hungary by the National Office of VET and Adult Learning (NOVETAL) on 28-29 March 2023.

Six experts from five EQAVET Network member countries -  Finland, Greece, Latvia, Malta and Portugal - participated as peers.

Hungary is currently implementing a new quality management system for formal VET institutions. This innovative system fully incorporates the EQAVET Framework, the VET 4.0 Strategy, and the 2019 Act on VET, along with its accompanying Implementing Regulation from 2020.

Presentations from the host country provided a comprehensive overview of the individual elements of this system and the current state of play. The peers also had the opportunity to hear from VET providers about their initial experiences with its implementation.

The discussions primarily centred around two topics:

  1. Enhancing the culture of continuous improvement and staff commitment to ensure the quality management system's sustainability;
  2. Developing data collection and analysis methods to support decision-making at various levels and develop stakeholder cooperation.

Read the flash report summarising the main outcomes of the discussion.

A report with more detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country. 

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