Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 02/06/2023

Malta hosted the nineteenth EQAVET Peer Review on the implementation of their new Accreditation Manual and Manual for VET providers

The Peer Review provided an opportunity to discuss the licensing and re-accreditation processes for VET providers, as well as the two supporting manuals

Malta hosted the nineteenth EQAVET Peer Review on the implementation of their new Accreditation Manual and Manual for VET providers

The Maltese NRP, the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) hosted the Peer Review on May 16-17, 2023.

Seven members of the EQAVET Network from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Spain acted as peer reviewers.

In Malta, organisations need to apply to the MFHEA for a licence to offer academic or vocational training that leads to an award or qualification on the Maltese Qualifications Framework. For organisations that successfully complete the licensing process, they need to undertake the accreditation process every five years.

The Peer Review focused on two manuals that have been developed to support potential providers, the MFHEA and other relevant stakeholders involved in the licensing and re-accreditation processes:

The peer reviewers were invited to discuss the licensing and re-accreditation processes, as well as the alignment between the two manuals.

Read the flash report summarising the main outcomes of the discussion.

Additionally, a separate report containing detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.

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