Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 03/02/2023

Lithuania hosted the tenth EQAVET Peer Review on VET teachers’ expertise for quality assurance

The Peer Review focused on how VET teachers can contribute to the quality assurance of VET processes at different levels with their expertise. It took place on 24-25 January 2023.

The tenth EQAVET Peer Review was hosted by the Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC) in Lithuania.

Nine EQAVET Network members from Belgium-fr, Czechia, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia acted as peers.

In the last ten years, Lithuania’s approach to VET has shifted. There is a willingness to improve the system to make the best use of teachers’ expertise both for their personal growth and the quality of their work.

The Peer Review focused on three main components of VET teachers’ contribution to quality assurance in VET in Lithuania:

  • The VET teacher certification system
  • The methodological commissions
  • Supporting teachers’ methodical activities at institutional level

Discussions focused on better promoting the certification system and connecting the methodological commissions and methodical activities to the work of teachers.

Read the flash report summarising the main outcomes of the discussion.

Another report with detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.

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