Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 27/10/2022

Italy hosted the fifth EQAVET Peer Review on the first national VET pathway for young learners.

The Peer Review, which took place from 26 to 27 October 2022 focused on quality assurance of initial VET pathways with a stronger work-based learning component.

employees and employers taking part in a shared training seminar

The fifth EQAVET Peer Review was hosted by INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis).

EQAVET Network members from Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Spain joined the meeting to act as peer reviewers.

The Peer Review focused on the quality assurance of the initial VET pathway, the IeFP (Istruzione e Formazione Professionale), the first national VET pathway for young learners from the age of 14. The IeFP balances regional autonomy with the creation of a nationally recognised, initial VET qualification.

Discussions between the hosts, peers and other stakeholders explored two main areas of quality assurance. Firstly, the Peer Review focused on the governance of the IeFP, particularly in relation to balancing the needs and responsibilities of the regions with the national requirements. Secondly, the event also looked at the inclusion of the IeFP qualifications in the national repertory

Participants also had the opportunity to exchange on the balance between regional and national regulations, how EQAVET indicators can be applied in VET at regional level as well as the use of indicators to monitor and review the process.

Check out the short flash report summarising the discussions from the Peer Review.

A separate report with detailed feedback from the peer reviewers will be shared with the host country.


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