Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Bodies promoting equal treatment and supporting workers in the European Union and their family members

Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

Labour Market Department

00-507 Warsaw ul. Pl. Trzech Krzyży 3/5

Tel. +48 22 461 64 00

Fax: +48 22 461 64 01

Email:  fmw_contactpoint@mrpips.gov.pl

(national contact point, commissioning independent surveys, ensuring publication of independent reports, recommendations and information)

Other bodies acting as Contact Points

Chief Labour Inspectorate

02-315 Warszawa, ul. Barska 28/30
Tel. + 48 22 391 82 15
Fax. + 48 22 391 82 14
E-mail: kancelaria@gip.pip.gov.pl

(providing independent legal assistance)


Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society and Equal Treatment

00-583 Warszawa, Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3

Tel. + 48 22 694 75 29

Fax + 48 22 694 72 34

E-mail: sekretariat_WK@kprm.gov.pl

(promotion of equal treatment)

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