Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovakia - Invalidity pension

You will learn more about the procedure for acquiring invalidity pension in Slovakia.

You will obtain information on what conditions you need to meet and on where and how to apply for a pension.

When can I apply for benefits?

You have the right to receive an invalidity pension (invalidný dôchodok) if you are unable to engage in gainful activity in the long term as a result of unfavourable health condition. The entitlement to invalidity pension arises when you become disabled provided that you have been insured for a sufficient period of time and do not fulfil the conditions entitling you to old-age pension as of the date of onset of disability and/or you have not been granted early old-age pension.

Persons with a permanent residence in the territory of Slovakia are also qualified for invalidity pension provided that they became disabled while:

  • being a dependent child with a permanent residence in the territory of Slovakia (the claim commences when reaching 18 years of age at the earliest) or
  • performing a full-time doctorate study and has not reached 26 years of age.

The required period of pension insurance is:

  • less than 1 year for insured persons under 20 years of age;
  • at least 1 year for insured persons from 20 to 24 years of age;
  • at least 2 years for insured persons from 24 to 28 years of age;
  • at least 5 years for insured persons from 28 to 34 years of age;
  • at least 8 years for insured persons from 34 to 40 years of age;
  • at least 10 years for insured persons from 40 to 45 years of age;
  • at least 15 years for insured persons over 45 years of age.

When examining the pension entitlement, the period of insurance in another EU country is also considered, however, only if the period of pension insurance in Slovakia is less than the legally stipulated pension insurance period. These periods are counted towards the total period of insurance if they are confirmed by means of form E205/P5000 (depending on the EU country).

Even in this case, however, the actual pension amount is calculated only from the period of insurance in Slovakia.

The required number of years is not ascertained if disability is the consequence of an accident at work or an occupational disease and/or if disability occurred to persons at a time when they were dependent children or were performing a full-time doctorate study and have not reached 26 years of age.

What conditions do I have to meet?

 To request an Invalidity Pension, you should submit your application to the appropriate branch of the Social Insurance Agency according to your permanent place of residence and provide evidence confirming your eligibility for the disability pension.

The long-term unfavourable health condition and the degree of reduced capacity to perform gainful activity is determined by a medical examiner of the Social Insurance Agency in accordance with the Social Insurance Act. Invalidity occurs in cases when the long-term unfavourable health condition results in the reduced capacity to perform gainful activity by at least 41% for a period exceeding 1 year.

What benefits can I apply for and how should I exercise my rights?

The amount of invalidity pension is generally calculated in a similar manner to the old-age pension. The amount is based on the degree of work incapacity, the period of pension insurance acquired as of the date on which the entitlement to disability pension occurred and the remaining period until pensionable age.

Invalidity pensioners or their employers are entitled to:

  • special spa stays and cures, medication and compulsory rehabilitation as recommended by the physician;
  • State subsidies for employers to fund the creation and operation of sheltered workshops, transportation costs, job training and education for disabled employees;
  • State subsidies to support entrepreneurial activities of disabled persons - allowances for start-ups, operations, reconstructions or technical betterment of tangible assets, sheltered workshops, or job-support subsidies;
  • State subsidies for disabled job applicants, reimbursement of boarding, accommodation and transportation costs covered in relation to training;
  • career counselling and job placement services.

Those interested in these benefits should contact the local Labour, Social Affairs and Family Office according to their place of permanent residence.

Jargon busters

  • Invalidity - The insured is disabled if, due to his/her long-term unfavourable health condition his/her ability to perform gainful activity is reduced by at least 41% compared with a healthy person.
  • Social insurance medical examiner – A physician who performs a medical assessment within the framework of social insurance in accordance with the Social Insurance Act. Medical assessments are carried out by the medical examiner of the relevant branch of the Social Insurance Agency and by the medical examiner at the headquarters of the Social Insurance Agency.

Required documents

  • Pension application;
  • Application for the remittance of pension benefits to the pensioner’s bank account;
  • Evaluation – Follow up Examination form (to be completed and confirmed by the attending physician);
  • Valid identity document (identity card or passport);
  • Certificate of completed education;
  • Military service book or another document issued by the competent military administration;
  • Children’s birth certificates (if the recognition of child care or upbringing is requested) if the applicant is a foreign national or if the event occurred abroad.
  • Decision of the Social Insurance Agency on the spouse’s pension, which was adjusted due to being a single source of income;
  • Certificate confirming all periods, during which the applicant was entered in the register of unemployed jobseekers (prior to 1 January 2001) and/or received unemployment benefits in the period from 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2003; a credible document on employment (e.g. registered certificate of pension insurance, employer’s certificate, etc.);
  • Employer’s certificate confirming the period of employment abroad prior to 1 May 1990 in countries with which Slovakia has not concluded an international agreement on social insurance;
  • Other documents depending on the circumstances. 

Know your rights

Link to additional information provided by the European Commission:

Who do you need to contact for advice about social security?

Social Insurance Agency (Sociálna poisťovňa) – Contact Centre

Phone: +421 800 123 123
Enquiry form

List of Social Insurance Agency branches in Slovakia

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