Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Liechtenstein - Minimum benefits

This chapter describes the benefits you may receive in the event of a particular difficulty. The following benefits are addressed:

  • social assistance
  • supplementary benefits to pensions
  • blindness allowance (blindness assistance).

In what situation can I claim?

Social assistance: individual persons and households resident in Liechtenstein in a particular difficulty are entitled to social assistance.

Supplementary benefits: persons drawing an old-age pension (even in the event of early retirement), survivors (widows, widowers, orphans), disabled persons (for a disability level of at least 50 %), recipients of invalidity insurance and helplessness allowance are all entitled to receive supplementary benefits.

Supplementary benefits are benefits dependent on place of residence, income and assets.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Social assistance: persons able to work must be prepared to carry out reasonable work.

Supplementary benefits: the amount is calculated from the difference between creditable income and allowable expenses.

Blindness allowance: persons resident in Liechtenstein and at least 5 years old are entitled to a blindness allowance.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Social assistance: when calculating social assistance benefits, the person in need and any family members living with the person in one household are taken into account. The social assistance benefit is a variable amount which takes into account the household's established subsistence level and the personal income of individual members of the household in order to calculate the actual social assistance benefit to be paid.

Supplementary benefits to pensions: the amount of the supplementary benefits depends on the personal (family composition) and financial circumstances of the individual person.

Blindness allowance: the amount of this benefit depends on the degree of visual impairment (fully blind, virtually blind, highly visually impaired).

All of these benefits are only granted to persons resident in Liechtenstein.

Know your rights

The links below provide additional legal information; they do not link to European Commission websites and do not reflect its views.

European Commission publications:

Who do you need to contact?

Liechtensteinische AHV-IV-FAK
Gerberweg 2
Postfach 84
9490 Vaduz

Tel. +423 2381616
Fax +423 2381600
Email: ahv@ahv.li

Amt für Soziale Dienste
Postplatz 2
Postfach 63
9494 Schaan

Tel. +423 2367272
Fax. +423 2367274
Email: info@asd.llv.li

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