Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Liechtenstein - Accidents at work and occupational diseases

This chapter describes the benefits you may receive for accidents at work and occupational diseases. The following benefits are addressed:

  • benefits in kind
  • benefits in cash.

In what situation can I claim?

Employees who suffer an accident at work or can provide evidence of an occupational disease are entitled to claim.

What conditions do I need to meet?

The accident or disease must have been established by a fund doctor. The employee is free to choose the fund doctor or fund hospital.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Benefits in kind

Accident insurance offers the following benefits:

  • treatment, including treatment by resident doctors and dentists and by other health professionals as prescribed by a doctor;
  • medicines and analyses prescribed by the doctor or dentist;
  • inpatient care (in the hospital's general ward);
  • recovery and spa treatments prescribed by a doctor;
  • support aids for physical injuries or functional impairments;
  • necessary search and rescue costs and medically necessary travel and transport costs;
  • necessary costs for transferring the body to the place of burial and burial costs.

The insured person does not have to make any additional payments.

Benefits in cash

In the event of an inability to work due to an accident, the insured persons may claim a daily allowance amounting to 80 % of the insured income (maximum CHF 148,200) in the case of a complete inability to work.

In the event of disability due to an accident, the insured person is entitled to a disability pension. If the person requires assistance in everyday tasks due to the disability, the person is also entitled to a care allowance (helplessness allowance), the amount of which depends on the level of care needed (helplessness). A number of integration measures are included as part of the disability insurance cover.

Surviving dependents of a person who deceased due to an accident are entitled to a survivor's pension (survivor's pension: widow's, widower's or orphan's pension or pensions for registered partners).

The insured person is also entitled to impairment compensation if he/she has suffered permanent considerable damage to his/her physical or mental integrity due to an accident. Grading is carried out depending on the degree of damage to integrity. The maximum amount is CHF 148,200.

Reporting requirements

Accidents at work and occupational diseases should be reported to the insurance company or the employer immediately. The fund doctor and fund hospital can be chosen freely.

Jargon busters

Accidents at work are accidents when carrying out work at the request of the employer or in its interest, during work breaks and before and after work if the insured person was authorised to remain on work premises. Commuting accidents are also covered.

Occupational diseases are diseases that have been caused exclusively or primarily by harmful substances or certain activities while working. There is a list of work-related diseases. However, in some cases it has to be proven that a disease was caused exclusively or primarily by the occupational activity.

Know your rights

European Commission publications:

Who do you need to contact?

Amt für Gesundheit
Äulestrasse 51
Postfach 684
9490 Vaduz

Tel. +423 236 73 44
Fax. +423 236 73 50

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