Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Liechtenstein - Sickness benefits in cash

This chapter describes the sickness benefits in cash you may receive. The following benefits are addressed:

  • sick pay (daily allowance).

In what situation can I claim?

In the event of an inability to work (at least half of the time) due to sickness, the insured person is entitled to receive sick pay.

What conditions do I need to meet?

All employees over the age of 15 working for employers with a registered office or branch in Liechtenstein are entitled to receive sick pay from their health insurance.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Sick pay is generally paid from the second day of illness until the employee is able to work again. However, sick pay (daily allowance) is paid out for a maximum 720 days within a period of 900 consecutive days. In the case of a complete inability to work, sick pay amounts to at least 80 % of the pay lost.

The application for sick pay is made by the employer. The inability to work must be certified by a doctor.

Know your rights

European Commission publications:

Who do you need to contact?

Amt für Gesundheit
Äulestrasse 51
9490 Vaduz

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