Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Italy - Health services

In Italy, healthcare is guaranteed by the National Health Service (SSN) to which all residents in one of the situations indicated by national regulation are obligatorily signed up (Single test of provisions concerning the governance of immigration and rules on the status of aliens, State-Regions Agreement of 20.12.2012).

Healthcare services (medical care) are provided to those signed up by Local Healthcare Authorities (LHA) and Hospital agencies which constitute organs of the SSN. Services can also be provided by private healthcare bodies which have signed the relevant contracts with the LHAs.

To sign up to the SSN and receive an SSN number, consult the LHA in your place of residence. When signing up, the person can choose their GP from a list of doctors agreed with the SSN. General assistance is provided directly through the office of the pre-selected or local doctor.

In what situation can I claim?

If necessary, you, as a patient, can consult your selected general practitioner or, in their absence, their substitute.

In urgent cases, there is a medical service available at nights, on Saturdays, Sundays and during holidays.

In case of temporary absence from your place of residence, you can consult any doctor approved by the SSN for an occasional visit.

In this case, you will be directly responsible for the cost of the examination but you can use the services prescribed (drugs, diagnostic tests, specialist examinations, etc.) in the framework of the services offered by the SSN.

In addition, if you are in a place other than your habitual residence for a period longer than 3 months, for study, work or health reasons, you can temporarily sign up to the LHA lists in that place. Temporary sign-up, which is valid for a year and can be renewed, allows you to receive general medical assistance in your temporary place of residence.

General medical assistance is guaranteed for your children under 16 by your selected paediatricians.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Signing up to the SSN is a fundamental requirement for being able to make use of its healthcare services.

At the time of sign-up, you are issued an SSN number which includes:

  • your details and Tax Code;
  • the expiry date for healthcare purposes only;
  • a clear area for any regional healthcare information and three braille characters for the blind;
  • the Tax Code in bar code format and a magnetic strip.

The back of the card is your TEAM (European Health Insurance Card).

For each change of place of residence, you must sign up to the LHA in your new place of residence.

If you are a sailor or civil aviation flight staff member, your healthcare is provided by a special office of the Ministry of Health: the Office of Maritime and Aerial Healthcare.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

The SSN guarantees you all the services included in the Essential Care Levels (ECL).

You may be guaranteed additional services by individual Regions provided that they balance in economic and financial terms.

Specialist ambulance services are provided under cost contribution schemes, that is to say prior payment of a ticket.

You do not have to pay for a ticket if you are in particular socio-economic circumstances or you suffer from particular illnesses.

If you are a worker, you are exempt if you intend to receive pre-conception services or are already pregnant. The exemption is broader in case of high-risk pregnancies.

Hospital care is free in public hospitals and in private clinics, provided that these are approved by the SSN.

Except in cases of emergency, for admission to hospital, you must submit a request from your general practitioner or SSN specialist.

Although a standard minimum level of healthcare services is available through the national territory, given the high level of autonomy which the Italian regions enjoy from the State, there may be small differences between Regions in terms of the conditions and ways in which healthcare, pharmaceutical and additional services are provided.

The medicines included in the Pharmaceutical Handbook (providing for an updated list of group “A” prescription drugs) are provided free of charge, without prejudice to the Region's option to introduce citizen cost contribution schemes.

The citizen is entirely responsible for the cost of drugs not included in the Handbook (which provides for an updated list of group “C” prescription drugs). They can only be provided free of charge to war veterans with serious injuries and victims of terrorism.

Jargon busters

  • LHA: Local Healthcare Authority is a public entity which is part of the Regional or Provincial Healthcare Authority;
  • SSN: the National Healthcare Service, under Italian law, means all healthcare functions, activities and services provided by the autonomous Regional and Provincial Healthcare Services, national Entities and Institutions and by the State, dedicated to ensuring healthcare or the protection or safeguarding of citizens' health and the fundamental rights of the individual;
  • Healthcare: means all services and initiatives aimed at promoting, preventing and caring for health;
  • Pharmaceutical handbook: list which contains the essential information on speciality drugs which may be prescribed on behalf of the National Health Service (SSN) - For more information, see the following website: www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it.

Forms you may need to fill in

To sign up to the SSN and receive an SSN number, you can consult the LHA in your place of residence.

When signing up, you must choose your GP from a list of doctors agreed with the SSN. General assistance is provided directly through the office of the pre-selected or local doctor.

The various necessary forms are available from the LHA.

Know your rights

For more information on your right to healthcare, under Italian legislation, see the Ministry of Health website: http://www.salute.gov.it

In the case of a stay or residence in another European Union country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, or the UK* the insured party and their relatives who are in possession of the appropriate certificate of entitlement, may make use of approved public or private health services in that country. In principle, the services are free of charge, except for payment of a ticket or other cost contribution scheme provided for by national legislation in force.

In the case of a temporary stay (holidays, work trips, etc.) in another European Union country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland or the UK, before leaving, it is important to have a European Health Insurance Card; if not, you must request one from your LHA.

Further information on the European Health Insurance Card and how to get one is available through the following link:

  • TEAMTessera Europea Assicurazione Malattia.

Also, below is the link to access European Commission publications on coordination of social security rights for those who live or travel in the EU:

* Each case needs to be assessed individually to determine whether a person falls within the scope of Art 30 of the Withdrawal Agreement, and so the EU Coordination Regulations apply, or whether they fall within the scope of situations described in Art 32 of the Withdrawal Agreement and/or come under domestic legislation and the Protocol on Social Security Coordination attached to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Who do you need to contact?

Ministry of Health
Viale Giorgio Ribotta 5
00144 Rome RM – ITALY
Tel: +39 065994
Website: http://www.salute.gov.it

For various offices and contacts: http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/p5_0.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=58

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