Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Iceland - Spouse pension and child pension

This section contains information on spouse pension and child pension in Iceland.

In what situation can I claim?

National pension

No spouse pension is paid from public pensions in Iceland. Children under the age of 18 are entitled to child pension in the event that a parent dies.

  • To be entitled to child pension, the deceased and his/her children must have been domiciled in Iceland for at least three years.

However, the following can apply on the death of a spouse:

  • The widower or widow may use the tax card of his/her spouse for nine months after his/her death;
  • An application for the reduction of income and property tax can be submitted to the Directorate of Internal Revenue.
  • The spouse may be entitled to support from unions, the social services of municipalities or insurance undertakings.

Work-related pension:

If the deceased paid into a pension fund, then the spouse, children under the age of 18 and in certain cases the caregiver, may be entitled to bereavement compensation.

Additonal social support for the elderly.

Individuals aged 67 and over with limited pension rights in social security can apply for social support. The maximum amount of monthly additional support is 90% of the amount of full old-age pension as determined in the Social Security Act.

What conditions do I need to meet?

  • Children under the age of 18 are entitled to child pension if a parent dies and a double pension if both parents are deceased;
  • Child pensions are paid monthly;
  • If the surviving spouse is aged 67 or younger, he/she may be entitled to death benefits for up to six months. If there is a child under 18 years of age in the household, the death benefits may be paid for up to 12 months. In continuation thereof, the death benefits may be extended for an additional 36 months if particularly difficult financial and social circumstances exist.

Death benefits  because of  occupational accidents

If the bereavement can be trace to an occupational accident, the spouse may be entitled to death benefits. Death benefits due to an occupational accident are paid according to a fixed amount on a monthly basis for up to eight years.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

  • Applications for child pension and death benefits are to be submitted to the Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun); https://www.tr.is/
  • Applications for death benefits are to be submitted to the pension fund into which contributions were made.

Jargon busters

  • Pension - accrued rights: Payments from the fund on retirement from work (pension fund) or when personal setbacks occur such as death, accident, illness or other (public pension);
  • Income taxes and property taxes: Taxes on income or assets that an individual has to pay to the state.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

The following websites provide information on your rights. They are not, however, operated by the EU Commission and do not reflect the Commission's views:

Publications and websites operated by the EU Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun)
Hlíðasmári 11 
201 Kópavogur, Iceland
Tel: + (354) 560 4400
E-mail: tr@tr.is

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