Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Hungary - Maternity and paternity benefits

The following benefits are covered in this chapter:

  • Infant care allowance (Csecsemőgondozási díj);
  • Birth grant (Anyasági támogatás).

In what situation can I claim?

Infant care allowance (Csecsemőgondozási díj) is available to the mothers, exceptionally to adoptive parents, guardians or fathers, during the period of maternity leave.

Birth grant (Anyasági támogatás) is available to women who give birth and who are legally staying in Hungary; adoptive parents; guardians; or the father upon the death of the mother, mothers who are giving birth to a child with Hungarian citizenship or Hungarian certificate (should the law of the state of residence prohibit dual citizenship) independently of the mother’s citizenship. A birth grant is not paid to parents who agreed to give up a child for adoption before the birth.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Infant care allowance (Csecsemőgondozási díj)

It is tied to health care insurance: at least 365 days of insurance during the last two years before delivery are needed, and birth has to take place during the insurance period or within 42 calendar days of its expiry (or 28 in case of receiving Accident cash benefit (Baleseti táppénz)).

Birth grant (Anyasági támogatás)

The completion of at least four prenatal medical examinations (one in case of premature birth) or the res iudicata judgement on adoption or guardianship within 180 days of confinement is needed.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Infant care allowance (Csecsemőgondozási díj)

Mothers are entitled to infant care allowance for the period of their maternity leave for a maximum of 168 days following the birth. Maximum maternity leave is 24 weeks, 4 of which may be taken before the calculated date of delivery. The infant care allowance is equal to 100% of the average daily pay in the period specified in the Act.

Particular features of this benefit:

  • the period for which infant care allowance is paid is credited towards the insurance period to be entitled to get old-age pension;
  • women receiving infant care allowance are entitled to healthcare services (e.g. inpatient and outpatient care in healthcare establishments) on the same footing as those with full health insurance;
  • persons who are required to pay child maintenance or who have wrongly received health insurance cash benefits will have their infant care allowance reduced by up to 33%.

Birth grant (Anyasági támogatás)

The birth grant corresponds to a one-off lump-sum payment of 225% of the social reference base (szociális vetítési alap) (HUF 64,125) or 300% per child in the case of twins (HUF 85,500).

Birth grant can be claimed up to six months after birth.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

The links below set out your rights in law. They are not European Commission sites and do not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

Hungarian State Treasury

Magyar Államkincstár

In case of Infant care allowance:

Hungarian State Treasury

Magyar Államkincstár


Fiumei út 19/a. 1081 MAGYARORSZÁG/HUNGARY


e-mail: penzbeli@allamkincstar.gov.hu

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