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KulturDialog overcomes barriers and enhances understanding along the Danish-German border

  • 18 December 2015

The KulturDialog project fostered cross-border encounters and promoted mutual understanding between citizens in the Danish-German border region. In this way, it helped to break down barriers and increase knowledge of culture and society on the other side of the border in each of the two neighbouring countries.

Together with the seven music schools in our Danish-German border region, we arranged the Danish-German music school day in Husum and Sønderborg. Over 1 200 students played their music and showed their skills on different stages in both towns. Pedagogues and teachers from both sides of the border communicate much more now and we arranged a Danish-German string orchestra. Only with the support of KulturDialog did we have the possibility to realise this cultural event. We are very proud of the results of these two arrangements and look forward to the music school days in Schleswig and Aabenraa in the coming years.

Jan Østergaard, Head of Sønderborg Musikskole

KulturDialog brought about the signature of the first cross-border cultural agreement in Europe in 2013, which led to the foundation of the Sønderjylland-Schleswig international cultural region. Long term cultural cooperation in the border region was thus assured.

A common cultural fund and a network fund were set up to support micro projects in the fields of culture, language, children, youth and recreation. The project also worked to support further development of understanding between schools in the border region with regard to language and culture.

Micro projects on various themes

A total of 74 micro projects received support through the cultural fund and were completed within the framework of the project. They covered such themes as history, music, art, literature, sports, school and theatre.

Each project contributed to enhancing mutual understanding and forming new bonds between Danes and Germans. Many of the micro projects undertook effective publicity campaigns and made good use of media such as short films, social media and other channels in order to reach younger target groups.

Annual regional conferences were organised throughout the lifetime of the project. At the conferences, cultural actors, public authority representatives and citizens, particularly young people, had the opportunity to debate cultural subjects within a Danish-German perspective. The level of interest increased each year among ordinary citizens.

A wide of range of other communication activities were implemented within KulturDialog. In addition, the project led to the creation of two jobs.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “KulturDialog” is EUR 1 550 974, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 1 008 133 from the Operational Programme “Syddanmark - Schleswig-K.E.R.N.” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.