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Helping young people develop professional IT skills in Central Ostrobothnia, Finland

  • 29 November 2020

Aimed at preventing social exclusion in Finland’s Central Ostrobothnia region, the Do Your Own Diligence (DUDE) project gives people aged under 29 the chance to perform digital tasks for businesses. The unemployed, students, people changing careers and those at risk of unemployment or dropping out of education spend 3-6 months in DUDE. The work allows them to network with businesses and develop digital skills, with a view to embarking on careers or further study. They get help with job applications and become acquainted with modern recruitment methods.

The DUDE concept supports students and unemployed people by providing them with real-life work projects. Most participants have stated that they have learned much more from their time in DUDE than from their traditional studies. This highlights the importance of practical learning and company networks from early on in students’ studies; These experiences are used to further develop the education system.

Leena Toivanen, research, development and innovation expert, Centria University of Applied Sciences

Businesses involved in DUDE offer tasks based on their current and future needs. Participants carry out the assignments in the DUDE environment, which is both a physical and digital work environment. They obtain references and boost their employability. To support those who live in remote areas, the DUDE environment can be accessed online.

During 2018 and 2019, 90 people took part, of whom 20 have started jobs or further education. Almost everyone else continued their studies and graduated.

Over the whole project, about one third of the participants started a new job or study course and most finished their studies on time with support from DUDE. Participants say they learned many practical skills that are useful for work.

A broad cooperation network

Central Ostrobothnia and its neighbouring region of Ostrobothnia are home to some 300 ICT companies, but suffer from a shortage of about 9 000 ICT professionals. When DUDE was launched, around 270 people with a background in digitalisation were unemployed in Central Ostrobothnia.

As digitalisation is an essential part of almost all sectors of the economy, DUDE has created a cooperation network of companies in a range of fields. This ensures that the knowledge conveyed is up to date, increases participants’ chances of finding work and meets businesses’ needs.

DUDE participants are selected for assignments based on their strengths and interests. Digital and face-to-face methods are used for project management, communication and monitoring of progress. Participants work together, irrespective of their background or previous experience.

Workshops and communal events build their social skills, boost their confidence and give them a sense of belonging. These aspects are vital, as many beneficiaries are in precarious situations, despite their considerable professional potential.

Based on learning-by-doing coaching, which encourages young people to make the most of their aptitudes, the environment closely resembles that of a workplace, to prepare participants for employment. Life coaches help them tackle personal problems, while participants support each other on matters like time management and self-discipline.

A well-trained workforce

Educational and employment organisations involved in DUDE have broadened their knowledge of issues such as professional and life coaching and workplace cooperation, which will make their services more effective and improve well-being in work and study environments. The model can be applied to fields other than digitalisation and could become part of the standard activity of educational institutions.

At regional level, DUDE contributes to providing a well-trained IT workforce, thus advancing digitalisation in local firms and enhancing their competitiveness, with positive effects on employment and economic growth. Continued cooperation between the educational bodies and companies will ensure the long-term sustainability of the results.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “DUDE – Do Your Own Diligence” is EUR 529 092 with the EU’s European Social Fund contributing EUR 396 819 through the “Sustainable growth and jobs 2014-2020 – Structural Funds Programme of Finland” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Education”.