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Greece, North Macedonia join forces to save energy

  • 18 June 2020

A cross-border project brought together local authorities, businesses and schools from Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia to improve the energy efficiency of a number of public buildings. The ENPOL-EE project is also raising awareness among local people and organisations about energy use and protecting the environment.

Improving the energy efficiency of the public space (open air and built) is a new challenge for local authorities. The municipalities of Pella and Negotino seized the opportunity for cross-border cooperation and took action for less carbon emissions and greener cities through infrastructure projects and awareness actions.

Nikos Tsimas, Project Manager

The project carries out a variety of actions in the municipalities of Pella, Greece and Negotino on the North Macedonian side of the border. Concrete goals for ENPOL-EE are to deliver an estimated annual decrease in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1 049.37 tons of CO2 and a decrease in annual primary energy consumption of public buildings of 1 463 774.8 kWh per year.

Cutting the carbon footprint

In Pella, energy upgrade works were carried out at the Karyotissa and Mylotopos secondary schools to cut fuel bills and reduce their carbon footprints. The revamp included replacing the schools’ windows and fitting more efficient insulation.

The Municipal Enterprise of Culture and Development of Pella developed the project website, which is kept up to date with news of all the partners’ actions. This partner also created a roundtable on environmental policy and competition involving local businesses implementing environmentally friendly technologies.

Efficient lighting solutions

Meanwhile, in Negotino, the City Hall building has been upgraded through a scheme which included the installation of new windows, lamps, interior insulation and radiators. The municipality also installed new energy efficient lights in its public spaces.

In addition, St Kiril and Metodij Secondary School in Negotino underwent an energy efficiency overhaul including the replacement of windows and the installation of solar panels. The school ran a competition for people cooking with solar power and held two information days about energy efficiency aimed at students.

Negotino also hosted information days for the general public about protecting the environment.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “ENPOL-EE: Energy Efficiency in the cross border area as an indicative factor for environmental policy” is EUR 849 900, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 722 415 through the “IPA CBC Greece-Republic of North Macedonia” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Protection of Environment – Transportation”.