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BIOCOMPACK-CE: stronger business-research links to promote biodegradable packaging across Central Europe

  • 22 June 2020

Involving partners from six Central European countries – Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia – the EU-funded BioComPack-CE project encouraged companies to adopt biodegradable paper-plastic packaging by creating synergies between business and research. A business support service was tested and refined during pilot actions in 21 firms. The Transnational Biocomposite Packaging Centre (TBPC) – a network of sustainable packaging experts from across the paper-plastic value chain – was set up.

‘Central Europe has much technical and production expertise, but doesn't use many sustainable products. It is lagging behind Western Europe. We wanted to support more use and bring this expertise together.’

Andrej Kržan, BioComPack-CE coordinator, Slovenian National Institute of Chemistry

Interreg makes Europe Greener : the BioComPack-CE’s Central European strategy for developing the paper-bioplastic packaging value chain and its handbook on sustainable paper-plastic design are aimed at inspiring businesses to assess opportunities for implementing innovative packaging solutions and to contact the TBPC for help.

The business support service encompasses tools to help companies assess the technological and economic feasibility of adopting eco-friendly packaging, and the legal context.

Documents providing mapping and analysis of the paper-plastic value chain and case studies, scenarios and country reports from the pilot actions were compiled. All resources are available on the TBPC platform.

Synergy potential

Annually in the EU, paper/cardboard and plastic generate over 30 million and 15 million tonnes of packaging waste respectively – more than any other materials. Microplastics in recycled paper, secondary materials and compost are becoming a major concern.

The great potential for paper-bioplastic packaging synergy between business and research in Central Europe could tackle this problem. However, the region suffers from low levels of awareness of bioplastic among paper packaging producers, a tendency among business support organisations to focus solely on either plastics or paper, and a lack of common strategies and tools to help SMEs introduce new methods.

Extensive networks

BioComPack-CE capitalised on this synergy potential by involving numerous stakeholders such as industrial clusters and business associations. This made it possible to target regional areas of specialisation and speed up technology transfer.

The pilot actions highlighted sustainable packaging issues to many people and enabled several firms to make changes. Training for SMEs and business networks extended the project’s reach and enhanced cooperation between R&D institutions and companies. In all, 22 organisations agreed to adopt the project strategy.

Thanks to BioComPack-CE’s cross-sectoral approach, the TBPC network is similarly broad-based. Members come from research institutions, the packaging and waste management sectors and support organisations like chambers of commerce and clusters.

Connections with regional and European business and innovation networks have also been established. The TBPC will ensure that the links between business and research fostered through BioComPack-CE are maintained, leading to the creation of further circular economy packaging solutions.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “BioComPack-CE” is EUR 1 950 010 with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 635 752 through the Interreg “Central Europe” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Environmental protection and resource efficiency ”.