
Projects Database

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Crowd technology for gathering information on marine ecosystems developed in Italy

Launched in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the Marine Data Crowdsourcing (MadCrow) project has developed technology for the acquisition, integration and dissemination of marine ecosystem data. MadCrow is based on a citizen scientist concept in which boat owners allow project infrastructure to be fitted to their vessels to monitor physical, chemical and biological parameters of the sea, such as temperature, salinity, acidity and oxygen levels.

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Slovakia’s EkoPellets increases recovery of non-hazardous, biodegradable waste

Slovakian wood pellet and briquette manufacturer EkoPellets improved its sawdust processing line by acquiring new equipment with the help of EU funding. The technology increased the company’s competitiveness and answered to an increasing demand for waste recovery. The recovery of sawdust reduces its impact on the environment in the form of illegal dumps or by ending up on landfills.

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Promoting environmentally sustainable development in three Slovak municipalities

An association of Slovak municipalities in the east of the country acquired 1 754 garden composters to ensure biologically degradable municipal waste does not end up on landfills. This was accomplished through a jointly developed strategy aimed at regional sustainable development and with the help of EU structural funds.

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OASIS in Paris: greening the city and reversing climate change, one schoolyard at a time

Asphalted schoolyards throughout Paris are being turned into cool, green islands, co-designed with the help of pupils, staff and local residents. In doing so, the project is helping to protect Parisians against the effects of climate change, while creating spaces where children can have fun, and that help improve social cohesion and public health.

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Flooded heritage in the Centre-Val de Loire region: protected properties, preserved heritage

The aim of this operation carried out by the Etablissement public Loire (Loire public establishment) is to offer managers and owners of cultural property located in flood zones a method for diagnosing vulnerability to flooding, which should make it possible to assess the risks on site and identify the heritage safeguarding measures to be implemented.

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Slovakian town of Ivanka pri Nitre expands its kindergarten

With the help of EU funds, an unused primary school building in the village of Ivanka pri Nitra, in south-west Slovakia, has been transformed into a kindergarten. This has expanded the existing nursery’s capacity with a new class for 14 children.
