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Crowd technology for gathering information on marine ecosystems developed in Italy

  • 05 July 2020

Launched in the Italian region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the Marine Data Crowdsourcing (MadCrow) project has developed technology for the acquisition, integration and dissemination of marine ecosystem data. MadCrow is based on a citizen scientist concept in which boat owners allow project infrastructure to be fitted to their vessels to monitor physical, chemical and biological parameters of the sea, such as temperature, salinity, acidity and oxygen levels.

Local environmental authorities have a useful tool for monitoring the health of ecosystems and reflecting on the planning of actions in marine and coastal areas. Likewise, the tourist sector benefits from a coastal area that is always controlled, with the possibility to manage every aspect quickly and effectively. At the same time, fish and mussel farmers and fishermen can choose nurseries and restocking and fishing grounds based on full awareness of the facts.

Antonio Nadali, Chief Technology Officer, Transpobank

The centrepiece of the MadCrow technology is a data acquisition system, or black box, containing sensors to monitor the various parameters. It transmits data using wireless GSM networks from boats to an onshore cloud server.

Data integration and discovery systems collect, analyse and process data from different sources to give a clear picture of the status of the marine environment. An online application to make this information freely available has been set up, as has a social platform for data sharing by policymakers, researchers and generalists.

Cheaper, greener data collection

Oceans and seas cover 70 % of the planet and play a decisive role in shaping the climate and economy. However, due to their large area, surveying them is a slow, difficult and expensive process. Available information is thus often outdated and fragmented. To properly evaluate ecosystem dynamics, extensive real-time data is needed.

MadCrow aimed to acquire data at a lower cost, both financially and environmentally, than that normally incurred through traditional methods by using the boats of volunteers or public and private institutions. Such vessels would, in any case, be going to sea for other purposes. The ecological impact is further mitigated by the use of solar energy to power the technology.

Work under the project involved development of the information technology architecture to trigger the data collection process, performance of a study of marine parameters and sensors able to detect the relevant phenomena, and design of the sensor box to make it suitable for installation on any type of vessel. Scientific validation of the methods, analysis of the effects of the acquisition and use of marine data through crowdsourcing and sessions to identify appropriate data-sharing applications were also conducted.

Project results were disseminated through events and production of a video for social media. The partnership consulted potential users through an online survey to better understand their needs and demonstrate the functionalities of the system.

Environmental decision-making support

The large quantities of information generated by MadCrow can be used for assessment of environmental conditions and spatial planning of coastal areas. In addition, they can support well-informed climate change adaptation and environmental policy decisions, to ensure sustainable development of marine and coastal environments, and to help decision-making in the fishing, recreation and tourism sectors.

MadCrow’s application of the citizen scientist approach enhances environmental consciousness, particularly among young people, thereby contributing to increasing participation in, and reducing the cost of, monitoring and protection activities. At the same time, it equips citizens to play a greater part in formulating and evaluating environmental policy.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “MadCrow” is EUR 1 461 941, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 549 380 through the “Friuli Venezia Giulia” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Jobs, Growth and Investment”.