
Projects Database

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Vienna is helping refugees to integrate

Vienna’s CoRE – Integration im Zentrum project aims to address the challenge of integrating refugees into the local community by developing new actions which meet their needs. To this end, it is using EU funding to set up an integrated support system.

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A new deal for energy consumption in Paris

The EU-funded CoResponsibility in District Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (CoRDEES) project aims to achieve a breakthrough for energy efficiency in Paris by creating a new energy ecosystem at Clichy-Batignolles, a 54-hectare eco-district currently under construction. The aim is to develop solutions based on the district’s smart grid that will increase energy efficiency levels to 50 kilowatt-hours per m² per year and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 90 %.

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Turin turns abandoned buildings into drivers of urban regeneration

The EU-funded Co-City project in Turin, capital of north-west Italy's Piedmont region, turns disused land and buildings into ‘urban commons’ –spaces owned and maintained by the community. The aim is to foster social mixing, community cohesion, enterprise development and job creation so as to break the cycle of poverty and exclusion in deprived neighbourhoods.

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Breaking the cycle of urban poverty in Nantes

The EU-funded 5Bridges project in Nantes, western France, is developing innovative solutions to homelessness and urban poverty which involve tackling the links between the main factors behind the problems. The project aims to break the cycle of poverty by focusing on five main areas, namely jobs, housing, health, inclusion and empowerment of beneficiaries through sustained active involvement.