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Reflecting 4 Change

Promoting the use of self-reflection tools to support innovation and systemic change in schools.

SELFIE for work-based learning

During next SELFIE Forum, which will take place next October 7th and 8th, SELFIE WBL module will be officially launched and, from that moment on, it will be available to be used. 

SELFIE Pedagogical Toolkit - SHERPA project

The SHERPA project is developing the SELFIE Pedagogical Innovation Assistant Toolkit, which will help schools to transform their SELFIE results into tangible innovation strategies and actions that further their digital competence.

Analysing the digital capacity of Spanish schools using SELFIE

The digitalisation of education systems is a political and social priority at European level. This report summarises the results of an inter-institutional study (European Commission JRC and Spanish Ministry of Education and VET) on the digital capacity of Spanish schools using the questionnaires of the European SELFIE tool in a representative sample of 6040 school leaders, teachers and students from 492 primary and secondary schools.

SELFIE sessions

The current SELFIE session, open for schools to run self-reflexion exercises until Friday, 23rd of July, will be the last (and most successful in number of users!) of the challenging academic year 2020-2021.

1.5 million users!

The current session has been a unique session for SELFIE. We have not only reached 1 million users, but also surpassed the 1.5 million users in less than two months later.

SELFIE for Work Based Learning

In autumn 2020, nine countries successfully carried out pilot projects to extend SELFIE to work-based-learning. Around 35,000 people from approximately 150 VET schools and 300 companies were involved.

More than 175,000 SELFIE users during the last session

The SELFIE tool supported more than 175,000 users during the last session (August 2020 to December 2020), breaking all usage records for any school semester. Since the launch of the tool to the present day, nearly 900,000 users from 64 different countries have taken advantage of SELFIE.

New questions on online and blended learning

SELFIE continues to be an important tool to support schools in their digital journey. That is why we have added new questions and statements within the tool's questionnaire on online and blended teaching and learning.

The likely impact of COVID-19 on education: Reflections based on the existing literature and recent international datasets<br>

In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, most countries around the world have decided to temporarily close educational institutions. However, learning has not stopped but is now fully taking place online as schools and universities provide remote schooling. Using existing literature and evidence from recent international data (Eurostat, PISA, ICILS, PIRLS, TALIS), this report attempts to gain a better understanding of how the COVID-19 crisis may affect students’ learning.

SELFIE Newsletter Editorial<br>

Welcome to the first issue of the SELFIE newsletter. We hope that through this newsletter, you will stay updated with the latest developments and events related to the SELFIE tool.