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Analysing the digital capacity of Spanish schools using SELFIE

The digitalisation of education systems is a political and social priority at European level. This report summarises the results of an inter-institutional study (European Commission JRC and Spanish Ministry of Education and VET) on the digital capacity of Spanish schools using the questionnaires of the European SELFIE tool in a representative sample of 6040 school leaders, teachers and students from 492 primary and secondary schools.

date:  17/06/2021

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The data show that, in general, the first steps of the digitalisation process have already been completed, therefore areas such as supportive uses of internet for preparation of lessons and existence of basic infrastructure obtain high scores. On the other hand, data also show areas where there is more room for improvement such as collaborative uses of digital technologies, or its application in innovative assessment procedures. The results are useful to Spanish schools that have participated in SELFIE to contextualise and interpret better their own school-report results in the light of results of similar schools. They are also useful to obtain a pre-COVID baseline situation on the digitalisation of schools that can guide policies in a pandemic situation where digital technologies play a more important role. Finally, the experience and results presented here can be useful to governments, organisations and stakeholders considering to conduct a similar exercise using the SELFIE tool.

Authors: Castaño Muñoz, Jonatan; Weikert García, Lilian; Herrero Ramila, César.