EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

Agro2Circular EU Project

  • Uploaded on Wednesday 16 of November 2022
  • Author(s) CETEC

Agro2Circular is a EU Green Deal project proposing innovative valorisation routes for agri-food waste (from fruit and vegetables and multi-layer plastic films) upcycling and circular economy development through: 

  • High extraction yields
  • Pure and stable bioactives for new food production
  • Cosmetic and neutraceutical formulation
  • Recyclable multilayer plastic 
The whole process and products will be traceable through an innovative ICT platform functioning as predictive tool for decision support (DIS – data integration system).

Name of organisation : CETEC (Agro2Circular Project Coordinator) with the whole partnership

Further information:

Date of publication: 2021-10-01


Agro2Circular Leaflet
(A2C_Leaflet.pdf - 3964KB)


Agro2Circular Introductory Video

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