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9th Plenary meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, 10 December 2020

© Alexandra Koch, Pixabay

date:  15/11/2020

The 9th Plenary meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (FLW) took place virtually via Webex Meetings on 10 December 2020 from 10:00 to 17:00.

The meeting provided the opportunity to take stock of the assessment carried out by the German Presidency to the Council of the European Union, of progress made by Member States and the Commission on the implementation of the 2016 Council conclusions on food losses and food waste. It also facilitated the exchange of best practices related to date marking, food redistribution and preventing food loss and waste in the food services and hospitality sectors. The Commission provided an update on the implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy, as well as on the progress and future outlook of EU actions to prevent food loss and waste. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also presented the first part of its scientific opinion for ‘Guidance on date marking and related food information’.

The meeting was web streamed for all interested stakeholders and the recording and the presentations are published on the European Commission’s food waste website, but can also be accessed through the links listed below:

The Commission invited interested stakeholders to pencil in their agendas the dates of the next meetings of the Platform and its subgroups (planned as virtual meetings for the moment), which will also be web streamed: