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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
25/05/2023 European Week Against Cancer 2023: showcasing EU4Health supported cancer projects
17/05/2023 CORRIGENDUM - COVID-19: adoption of final list of 300 high-quality antigen tests in the EU
17/05/2023 COVID-19: adoption of final list of 300 high-quality antigen tests in the EU
12/05/2023 SCHEER: Commission launches public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
08/05/2023 Commission launches a call for information to update the 2019 SCHEER Guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices
20/04/2023 EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting showcases Joint Statements and preliminary study results
31/03/2023 Food fraud: Commission publishes guidance on fighting fraudulent and deceptive practices in the agri-food chain
31/03/2023 Have your say and join the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting!
30/03/2023 Stakeholders' Targeted Consultation on EU4Health: future priorities, orientation and needs
27/03/2023 Animal welfare: Report on official controls linked to the protection of the welfare of laying hens published