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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
27/10/2022 Endangered animal breeds: the Commission adopts the creation of an EU Reference Centre
26/10/2022 Registration open: Conference on COVID-19 lessons learned and looking ahead to ensure a stronger EU Health Security Framework, 22 -23 November 2022
20/10/2022 EU Platform on Food Losses & Food Waste: reducing food waste, ensuring food security, fighting climate change
06/10/2022 EU Health Policy Platform: Commission selects the 2022 Thematic Networks
05/10/2022 Farm to Fork: Better, but not sufficient, welfare as a result of EU’s Animal welfare legislation, review finds.
23/08/2022 SCHEER - Commission launches public consultation on the scientific evidence on radiofrequency
03/08/2022 Call for External Experts for the SCHEER Working Group on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes published
22/07/2022 EU Health Policy Platform calls for proposals: 2022 Thematic Networks (Deadline for submissions: 31 August)
18/07/2022 Commission launches public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion on the safety of the presence of cobalt in toys
04/07/2022 Launch of the EU Coordinated Control Action on the illegal trade of pets.