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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
25/10/2019 Blood, tissues and cells legislation: Commission to hold conference with stakeholders
17/10/2019 Commissioner bestows the 2019 EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools seeking to prevent and reduce obesity in children and young people
16/10/2019 The EU Health Policy Platform Holds its Annual Meeting
14/10/2019 Fighting antimicrobial resistance: the AMR One-Health Network meets in Brussels on 15 October 2019
04/10/2019 Animal Welfare: Commission designates a second European Union Reference Centre
19/09/2019 Medicines: Staff Working Document on the evaluation of the fee system of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and publication for feedback of an Inception Impact Assessment
09/09/2019 Commission provided the final version of the Guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices
06/08/2019 Europhyt - Interceptions
24/07/2019 2019 EU Health Award: the Commission unveils shortlisted initiatives
03/07/2019 Clinical trials: Call for all sponsors to publish results in EU database