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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
14/05/2019 DG Health & Food Safety communication tools – online survey extended until 17 May!
06/05/2019 EU Health Programme supports OECD report and EU/EEA Country Notes on “Improving Forecasting of Pharmaceutical Spending”
03/05/2019 Pharmaceuticals: Commission launches new version of the Union Register
23/04/2019 Online Survey - DG Health & Food Safety communication tools
12/04/2019 Food fraud: publication of DG SANTE’s annual report
11/04/2019 Health Systems in the EU: Commission publishes report on tools and methodologies to assess the efficiency of health care services
01/04/2019 Breaking the childhood obesity vicious cycle: Commission launches EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools
27/03/2019 Plant Health: Commission designates 5 reference laboratories
18/03/2019 Commission launches public consultation on Preliminary Guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices
12/03/2019 Fighting antimicrobial resistance: AMR One-Health Network meets in Brussels today