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EU Health Programme supports OECD report and EU/EEA Country Notes on “Improving Forecasting of Pharmaceutical Spending”

date:  06/05/2019

With the support of Health Programme, the OECD has published the report on “Improving Forecasting of Pharmaceutical Spending” and the 23 EU/EEA Country Notes. The report explores the different approaches to track pharmaceutical utilisation and expenditure and to anticipate changes in pharmaceutical market dynamics. It examines how EU/EEA countries use them to inform the setting of budgets and spending caps, and as inputs to modelling future expenditure.

The report also shows the challenges for health systems to predict more precisely the pharmaceutical expenditure, highlights best practices across OECD countries and proposes recommendations for those countries currently undertaking or planning to introduce better pharmaceutical expenditure projections to inform future policymaking. This is the second deliverable under the EU/OECD project.

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