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Commissioner bestows the 2019 EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools seeking to prevent and reduce obesity in children and young people

date:  16/10/2019

Today, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis announced the winners of the 2019 EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools on the theme of preventing and reducing obesity in children and young people (6-18 years). The award ceremony took place as part of the EU Health Policy Platform annual meeting, with the winner in each category being awarded a prize of 100,000 EUR to further their work, as well as a certificate.

The CITY category winner was Amsterdam. The Dutch capital’s "Amsterdam Healthy Weight Programme" aims to improve children’s physical activity, diet and sleep – and ultimately help them achieve and maintain a healthy weight through community-supported interventions and policies throughout the city - at home, at school, in the neighbourhood, the community and in purpose-built environments.

The NGO category winner was the Society "Our Children" Zabok from Croatia for its project "Healthy and Tasty” which organises fun and educational workshops to encourage healthy eating, decrease consumption of unhealthy foods in order to help children make good choices and maintain a healthy body weight.

The SCHOOL category winner is IES Guadalquivir for its "Be Active @IES Guadalquivir" programme. This school is located in one of the most deprived areas of Spain, where pupils’ health is a major concern. The initiative’s main goal is to create a School Health Action Plan aimed at educating and supporting pupils to incorporate healthy living habits into their everyday lives.


Within the general context of the EU Health Policy Platform, the 2019 EU Health Award honours cities, NGOs and schools that are making a positive difference in their  communities by preventing and reducing obesity in children and young people. The Award celebrates their commitment and raises awareness of the vital role cities, NGOs and schools play in strengthening participative democracy and active citizenship in public health.

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