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2019 EU Health Award: the Commission unveils shortlisted initiatives

date:  23/07/2019

The European Commission selected the shortlisted initiatives of the 2019 EU Health Award for cities, NGOs and schools seeking to prevent and reduce obesity in children and young people (6-18 years old).
The nine shortlisted per category, in alphabetical order by organisation, are:

CITY category

  • Amsterdam Health Weight Programme (AHWP) by Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Weighty Friends (Ik heb een maatje) by Genk (Belgium)
  • Sintra Grows Healthy (Sintra Cresce Saudável) by Sintra (Portugal)

NGO category

  • FitforKids by FitforKids (Denmark)
  • CROKY MOVE Programme by RéPPOP BFC (France)
  • Healthy And Tasty (Zdravo I Fino) by Society “Our Children” Zabok (Croatia)

SCHOOL category

  • Active School Break by Antsla Gümnaasium (Estonia)
  • #Be Active @IES Guadalquivir by IES Guadalquivir (Spain)
  • Schools scheme for fruit and vegetables, milk and diary products by Primary School Podturen (Croatia)

The winners will be announced on 17 October 2019 at the Award Ceremony during the annual meeting of the EU Health Policy Platform in Brussels. The event will be live-streamed, with the link shared on the EU Health Award website and the EU Health Policy Platform.

For more information: