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The EU Health Policy Platform Holds its Annual Meeting

date:  15/10/2019

On Thursday 17 October, the EU Health Policy Platform will hold its fourth annual meeting in Brussels. The meeting will kick off with the 2019 EU Health Award ceremony where the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis will announce this year’s winners.  

The theme of this year’s edition of the EU Health Award is ‘preventing and reducing obesity in children’, and initiatives by cities, NGOs and schools that contribute to this goal are being honoured. A total of 300,000 EUR will be awarded, with winners in each category taking home 100,000 EUR to help further their work.   

Following the award ceremony, more than 150 participants and online viewers will take part in an interactive roundtable discussion on how cities, NGOs, schools and other stakeholders can help children and young people lead healthy lifestyles by eating nutritious foods and getting enough physical activity.

In addition, Directorates-General for Research and Innovation and Health and Food Safety will present the ambitious and wide-reaching EU Action on Cancer. Another important part of the annual meeting is the presentation and endorsement of the Joint Statements that were produced in the Thematic Networks, and a look ahead at potential topics for the Networks for the coming year.


The EU Health Policy Platform is an interactive tool that brings together the European Commission and health stakeholders to discuss public health concerns and to share knowledge and best practices. It gives its more than 5,700 registered users the opportunity to post news and events, to collaborate and to work together on Joint Statements in Thematic Networks. Set up in 2016, its objectives are to provide a framework for dialogue and facilitate targeted discussions, to ensure transparency and to contribute to building knowledge and expertise on public health issues.

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