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UfM Energy Platforms Annual Meeting in Barcelona highlights importance of regional collaboration on energy in the Mediterranean region

Following up on the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy as signed in 2021, every year representatives of the UfM member countries meet to discuss the state of play of implementing the roadmap for Action on Energy. Some 80 participants from UfM member governments as well as relevant energy stakeholders, came together on 3 and 4 May in Barcelona to discuss the progress of implementation of the roadmap and next steps for further regional cooperation on energy.

Leveraging e-Commerce for SME Exports: How to Unleash the Potential?

Representatives of the EU, ministries, regulators, financial institutions, alternative finance promoters, as well as the civil society, notably women in business associations as well as the National SBA Coordinators, gathered for a webinar to discuss how to reshape commerce through the digital transformation.

NEAR B contributes to reflection on Spain’s future regional programme

Ensuring the coordination of EU and Spanish priorities in terms of development assistance in the Southern Neighbourhood is of utmost importance in a context of geopolitical shift in the region. To convey the EU's approach, NEAR B attended the IEMed-AECID Seminar on “Development Cooperation in the Mediterranean”, which took place on 24 April 2023 at Casa Arabe in Madrid.

EU4Monitoring Drugs II launched in Brussels

The second phase of the EU4Monitoring Drugs programme was launched in April. This second iteration of the programme marks a new phase of cooperation between the EU and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).