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UfM Energy Platforms Annual Meeting in Barcelona highlights importance of regional collaboration on energy in the Mediterranean region

Following up on the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy as signed in 2021, every year representatives of the UfM member countries meet to discuss the state of play of implementing the roadmap for Action on Energy. Some 80 participants from UfM member governments as well as relevant energy stakeholders, came together on 3 and 4 May in Barcelona to discuss the progress of implementation of the roadmap and next steps for further regional cooperation on energy.

date:  15/05/2023

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ContactMilou BEEREPOOT

On 3 and 4 May 2023, some 80 participants from Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) member governments as well as relevant energy stakeholders, came together to discuss the state of play of implementing the roadmap for Action on Energy following from the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Energy as signed in 2021. During these 2 days, discussions focused on taking stock of the implementation of Mediterranean energy cooperation and priorities going forward at the time of a key energy juncture for the region. Several regional entities supporting the UfM energy platforms such as OME, MED-TSO, MEDREG, MEDENER, RCREEE (financially supported by NEAR B.2) presented their progress in work related to the implementation of the UfM roadmap for Action on Energy. The event highlighted the importance of working on all aspects of clean energy development, as there is no silver bullet, and highlighted the benefits that can be created with increased clean energy development.  

The Annual UfM Energy Platforms Meeting illustrated progress in collaboration on electricity connections, clean energy regulatory frameworks, energy efficiency and gas. Scenarios towards a net zero carbon future for the Mediterranean region by 2050 highlighted the opportunities that this scenario would provide to UfM partner countries by means of allowing them to become net energy exporters (and related GDP growth) as compared to a result of net energy import in a business as usual scenario. The importance of high-quality, stable and predictable regulatory frameworks for renewable energy development and electricity interconnection development was highlighted. Energy efficiency was mentioned throughout the meeting as a means to reduce investment in clean energy development and to be able to realize the net zero carbon future for the Mediterranean region by 2050. The importance of high amount of investment needed for this scenario as well as the role of private sector investment was stressed as well.